White Oak

White Oak Wood and White Oak Lumber

White Oak or White Oak Lumber is classified as a Domestic wood and is sometimes referred to as, Stave Oak, Cucharillo, Appalachian Oak, Encino and Arizona Oak. White oak can vary in color from light tan to pale yellow-brown with a pinkish tinge and it is similar to European oak, and it is straight grained and silver grained in quarter sawn wood and has a medium to coarse texture to it. Quartersawn white oak has been prized by furniture makers for centuries because of the unique flecking found in quartersawn white oak. Many pieces of furniture from the Arts and Crafts or Greene and Greene era were made from quartersawn white oak lumber. Although pre-drilling is advised, it does take nails and screws well however it’s gluing properties can vary, it also stains well and can be finished to a good finish. White Oak is usually used for furniture making, cabinetmaking, parquet and strip flooring, joinery, ladder rungs, heavy construction, railroad ties, shakes and shingles, plywood, paneling and veneers. White Oak has a Janka hardness rating of: 1360