
Pine Wood & Pine Lumber

Pine Wood or Pine Lumber is classified as a Domestic wood. Pinus strobus, commonly known as the eastern white pine, is a large pine native to eastern North America. It is also known as the white pine, northern white pine, or soft pine. The eastern white pine, Pinus strobus, has the distinction of being the tallest tree in eastern North America. Old growth pine in the Americas, of various Pinus species, was a highly desired wood since huge, knot-free boards were the rule rather than the exception. Pine was common and easy to cut, thus many colonial homes used pine for paneling, floors and furniture. Pine was also a favorite tree of loggers since pine logs can still be processed in a lumber mill a year or more after being cut down. In contrast, most hardwood trees such as cherry, maple, oak, and ash must be cut into 1” thick boards immediately after felling or large cracks will develop in the trunk which can render the wood worthless. Freshly cut eastern white pine is creamy white or a pale straw color but pine wood which has aged many years tends to darken to a deep rich tan. Occasionally one can find light brown pine boards with unusual yellowish-golden or reddish-brown hues. Pine has a Janka hardness of: 870